
how to delete a column in excel

There are multiple ways to delete blank columns in a Microsoft Excel file. Why would you need to do this? – Simple.

How To Delete All Blank Columns in Microsoft Excel

Every now and then, the data that you import from webpages may result in a great number of columns appearing even if they're not used. You see this happening with CSV files and .txt files just as often.

When it happens, deleting columns manually may not always be easy. Sure, if you only have two or three empty columns, it's quite ok to delete them manually. But what if your imported project creates 57 empty and non-continuous columns? – For that, you'll need an automated process.

Using VBA Macro

The first method involves using a VBA macro.

  1. Go to your Excel file.
  2. Hold Alt + F11 together.
  3. Wait for the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window to appear.
  4. Then, click Insert.
  5. Select Module.
  6. Paste the following lines of code in the window.
    Sub DeleteEmptyColumns()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim InputRng As Range
    xTitleId = "KutoolsforExcel"
    Set InputRng = Application.Selection

    Set InputRng = Application.InputBox("Range :", xTitleId, InputRng.Address,Type:=8)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For i = InputRng.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
    Set rng = InputRng.Cells(1, i).EntireColumn
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng) = 0 Then
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

  7. Press F5 to compile and execute the macro.
  8. Input the appropriate work range in the dialog window.

    The work range or data range is the specific interval between columns that you want to target. The format is $A$1:$J$12. The letters correspond to the column and the numbers correspond to the rows.

    If you drag this out with your mouse or by holding Shift and using the arrow keys, you will notice that:

    $A$1 – Top corner
    $J$12 – Bottom corner

    You can't select the data range before you start uploading the macro as it won't stay selected.

  9. Press OK.

After that, all the empty columns should be erased and all filled columns should be next to each other.

Using Excel Tools to Delete Blank Columns

Obviously, Excel wouldn't be such a powerhouse if it didn't have great sorting abilities. You can use the Delete dropdown menu to delete entire rows, columns, or blank cells.

  1. First select the data range and press F5.
  2. Then, click Special.
  3. Now, select the Blanks option.
  4. Click OK (This selection will ensure that all blank cells are selected in the targeted range).
  5. Go to Home tab.
  6. Select the Delete dropdown menu under the Cells tools group.
  7. Select Delete Cells.
  8. Select Shift cells left for removing and rearranging columns.
  9. Click OK.

Now the empty cells from the blank columns should've disappeared and all the other rows would be moved closer together.

You can use the same approach to delete entire rows. However, instead of moving the cells to the left you select the other option.

Select Shift cells up for removing and rearranging rows.

Depending on what version of Excel you're running, you may get different wordings. But in any case, the top two options in the Delete Cells menu are always the same.

This method no longer removes all blank cells in the selection. Before Excel 2013, this would inadvertently remove even empty rows which would generally mess up the sorting.

Now the problem no longer occurs. Therefore, if you want to also get rid of the rows, you can do so by selecting the data range again and following the previous steps. Then simply select to shift or delete cells up instead of left.

Deleting Blank Columns on Android

Although the process is similar for deleting blank columns in Excel on Windows, Mac, and Android, here's a quick overview of doing it on Android.

  1. Open up the Excel spreadsheet you want to edit and top on the column heading you want to edit.
  2. Now, select Delete from the menu that appears.

Other Easy to Perform Sorting Tasks

Although technically using the Excel toolbar to delete empty columns and rows seems easier, the VBA macro method is foolproof, which means you can use it even in older Microsoft Excel versions.

Using the same VBA module or Go To function menu, you can do so much more in Excel. Do you have certain formulas that are no longer relevant? – You can remove them as well or rearrange them accordingly.

You can also remove unnecessary comments or all comments from your project if you don't want them to show up during your presentation. Look into VBA if you want to be an Excel power user.

A Final Thought

Over the years, a wide range of add-ons have appeared online. Some of them allow you to take even more shortcuts when sorting large spreadsheets. However, these apps are rarely free and not worth the trouble for simple tasks such as removing blank rows, cells, and columns.

Besides, if it were that difficult, Microsoft would've further simplified the process by now or created even more extensive guides on Excel sorting.

how to delete a column in excel


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