Where should you sell your comic books? How do you lot get the best price for comics? And how do you lot ensure your comics go to a practiced home?

Sometimes, circumstances modify. Mayhap y'all need to slim downwards your comic collection. If so, you need to know the best way to sell your onetime comic books, online or in person.

Here are but a few tips for successfully selling your comic book collection.

i. Know the Best Identify to Sell Comic Books

Life is simpler if you can find a way to sell your quondam comics offline. Buyers tin can easily check weather and you don't need to risk using the post.

Try your local comic store: many stock back bug, and might exist interested in your collection. Comics are pop right now, so yous can get them in more shops than ever before. It's worth asking at second-hand bookshops or austerity stores.

Bear in heed that these are dealers; they won't offer amazing prices because they demand to brand profits. The opportunity is at that place, withal, for you to get good money if, for example, the dealer wants a item issue for their own or their customers' collections.

If you want to make sure your comics go to a good home, consider getting a stall at a convention. They can be pretty plush, so you really need to think about whether it's worth it. Equally an added bonus, dealers generally become further incentives like skipping virtual queues for autographs.

Otherwise, use sale sites like eBay, or more specialist online stores like Stanley Gibbons, all-time known for stamps, but dabbling in other collectibles. Webuycomics.com has an expansive Want Listing; and Sellmycomicbooks.com will non but appraise your collection, but besides offer a wealth of cost guides to educate you lot in the process.

2. Ask Yourself: Are Comic Books Worth Much Coin?

In terms of cost, comic books are a lilliputian like cars. The second you purchase them, they cheapen---generally at least. There are exceptions. First appearances, early adventures, and milestones often demand big bucks.

The world's most expensive comic book is Action Comics #01 (1938), the first appearance of Superman, which sold for a record $3.2 million at auction.

The chances of you lot having that, Amazing Fantasy#15, or Marvel Comics #ane are remote. However, you might take The Walking Dead #1, Atomic number 26 Man #281 (War machine's debut), or Ultimate Spider-Homo#i. They're not worth millions, just they could become you a few hundred dollars apiece.

3. Acquire About Comic Volume Conditions

If y'all treasure your collection, it'south likely y'all go on them in good condition. That makes them more valuable. Any fiddling creases, page yellowing, and marks bear upon the price.

Telling people exactly what condition your comics are in volition assist sales. Grading them, however, is hard. Many list as "Mint" when their issues simply aren't.

Proper grading is in numbers, with "Mint" classed just every bit 9.8 or above. "Near Mint" starts at 9.0. Nearly are "Fine". Hither's a handy guide to grading your bug.

Most buyers don't expect such thorough grading. Every bit long as you accurately say whether it's NM or F, yous should be alright.

If it'south a particularly valuable issue, bank check CGC Comics, which professionally grades and seals your books into certified holders.

4. Proceed Comics Safe past Bagging and Boarding

variant covers books

Buyers need to know y'all're serious about condition. You lot tin evidence issues are well cared for past putting them in specialist bags and bankroll them with proper boards. They're typically cheap and tin be picked up from all comic volume suppliers.

This volition attract serious collectors who will look after them equally much as you accept.

Don't use horrible old bags that are covered in decades-old tape. The boards should exist acid-free and then they don't affect your comic. Normal tape is horrible to remove, so consider investing in frosted- or satin-cease record.

5. Take Your Own Photos

Dealers generally use Google for pictures, and information technology's very tempting with a big collection.

Merely you need people to trust you, especially when selling online---so take your own photos. Information technology means potential buyers can see the condition for themselves. Check out our guide to selling more on eBay for more than tips.

If problems are bagged and boarded, try to shield them from reflections.

six. Give Proper Descriptions When Selling Online

Incorrect descriptions on auction sites

Listing your comics correctly isn't solely nearly condition. Proper descriptions let buyers know they've plant the correct issue, if information technology's by one of their favorite creators, and that you're invested in them, not but buying and selling in bulk.

If you're using a bidding site, you only go a certain number of characters in the heading to describe the comic, so narrow down exactly what's needed to attract buyers.

Title and issue numbers are essential, but what about volume number, publisher (peculiarly either Curiosity or DC), and story arc? I spelling mistake tin mean your comic is ignored past search functions.

seven. Carve up Valuable Comics in a Drove

Do your research and brand 2 piles of comics: one with your everyday $ane issues, and another for the more than costly ones.

It'south always best if you proceed your collection organized, simply people rarely do. This is your chance to practice information technology properly.

Your comic book collection might surprise you lot. Pop characters like Spider-Human being and Batman always sell well, but doing some research can mean a seemingly-nondescript result of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is worth $45. To file that with all the others would be a big error.

8. Consider Grab Bags

random Marvel books issues

Having two piles makes catch bags possible. These are generally cheaper comics thrown into i bag together and sold at a set sum. Remember of them as a goody bag or lucky dip.

After repeated attempts to go rid of a troublesome issue no 1 else wants, you'll be glad to hide it amid others that might attract attention.

Grab bags typically contain three or four problems, but don't include more than five.

9. Sell Consummate Storylines Together

If you have corresponding effect numbers, collect them as one lot together.

Information technology will attract more bidders if there's a complete run because they'll feel like they're getting a better deal. And they know that these are part of a cherished drove.

You could list them separately but at the aforementioned time then buyers can encounter you have a run of issues to sell. They might bid on numerous comics to make full a gap in their collections. Practise this sparingly though.

Even a storyline with a missing consequence or two is better collected together than forcing buyers to fish for them beyond numerous listings.

Knowing you're a collector might likewise mean buyers volition explore your other items.

10. Wait for the Perfect Opportunity to Sell Comics

collected comic book graphic novels HC

Iron Human being comics are more than sought after since Robert Downey Jr became Tony Stark. Pop media boosts sales, so keep an eye on upcoming product schedules, and salvage comics related to those characters for manual or release dates.

The popularity of some titles remain mostly the same, but hero and villain debuts pique interest. The Avengers and Suicide Squad are good examples of this, with rolling rosters meaning a regular turnover of cast.

A lot of independent comics are being adapted for screen; look until they air earlier getting rid of those issues unless yous're desperate for the cash.

eleven. Consider Selling a Job Lot of Comic Books

This isn't an ideal situation, but if yous're looking for a quick fix---to make space or earn money---or only desire to go along your collection together, a job lot might be the way to get.

This could hateful selling a complete run of one title together, or maybe every issue you've ever bought. If the latter, include the comic boxes!

Yous might become $50 for a consummate championship, or $300 for everything: it actually could get either way, particularly if you're open up to haggling.

Concerned your comics aren't going to a adept dwelling house? Turn to Facebook. Information technology'southward possible that a friend will take at least some of what y'all're selling off your hands, although they may wait a disbelieve.

Try Facebook Groups too. Enough of groups gloat characters or publishers, simply there are besides some set up specifically to buy and sell items. Comic Book Collecting is a particularly popular one.

Y'all've Sold Your Comic Books: Now What?

You lot've had to sell your comic book collection, just at to the lowest degree you've got the most coin you lot tin can for it. And of class, all is non lost. If circumstances change, you tin can start collecting comics again or plow to space-saving digital platforms like Marvel Unlimited and ComiXology.

Marvel Unlimited vs. ComiXology Unlimited: Which Is All-time?

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