
How To Fix Speaker On Iphone 8 Plus Water Damage

iPhone has no sound after dropping in water /toilet/ wet.

One of the worst possible feeling you can have as an iPhone owner is dropping it in water. This can include puddles, pools, cups, the ocean, washing machine and more frequently the toilet. Because we all know going to the toilet without your iPhone turns out to be the difference between life and death.

What to do if you have dropped your iPhone in water? So if you have dropped you iPhone in one of the above areas then there may be some temporary issues. The first issue you may encounter is that your iPhone will have no sound or the speaker will stop working.

This is not specific to certain iPhones, it will plague all devices including iPhone 3G/ iPhone 4/ 4S / iPhone 5/ 5S / 5C and the new iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 7, 8 and iPhone X. Even though all these devices are engineered to such minute detail, when you drop one in water it can be a loosing battle unless you have an awesome case.

Below are some steps and solutions that will help fix your iPhone if it gets water logged and looses its sound or the speaker stops working. These steps are listed in chronological order of what seems to be most successful.

One thing important which applies to all these steps and solutions is as soon as you get your iPhone out of the water turn it off straight away! No checking messages or Facebook, it needs to be turned of as soon as possible as it will ruin the electrical hardware while wet.

iPhone has no sound after dropping in water /toilet/ wet – Fixes

Step 1

This one comes as no surprise but it is the most successful step and is the thing thing you should try. So insure your iPhone is turned off, also remove any case or bumper that is on the iPhone. This is done as it may slow down the process as water can still be trapped in the crevices.

Also once that is done put the iPhone on a paper towel or a extremely dry towel and pat down the iPhone to remove any wetness that still may be lingering. Another step to remember is to remove the sim card.

If you have the time you can also use a q tip to remove any moisture that may be in the headphone jack or the docking charger area. Now comes the most important part, you will need to find some rice, more the better. Preferably the rice should be in a resealable bag, if not use a bowl and then put cling film over it after the iPhone has been put in the rice.

So with the resealable bag put the iPhone in there with the rice and seal. Then you want to find a cool dry place like a cupboard or pantry.

Ideally you want to leave it in there for 20-30 hours to maximise the potential of the moisture being absorbed from the rice. If you cant afford that much times 5-10 hours should suffice but you many not get the full potential from the rice.

Step 2

If you absolutely cant get your hands on some rice then this step is the next best thing. Firstly you want to follow the same instructions above as to remove the case, pat down the iPhone with a paper towel and remove the sim card. And also the q tip method to remove any more moisture in the headphone jock or docking station.

So for this step you want to wrap your iPhone up in a paper towel, you only need about 1 or 2. Place the iPhone on the paper towel and roll it up so the iPhone is fully covered.

You can also follow the steps in this video that provide alternative solutions  for iPhones with moisture and sound problems. Watch the below videos for more steps and tutorials on how to fix this issue.

Once you have done this search out a dry and warm place, ideally the best spot for this would be a hot water cupboard. But if not a pantry or sealed shelf should be ok.

With this step your going to want to leave it in there for at least 2-3 days as it will take longer to soak up the moisture. If you do get your hands on some rice within that time then you can transfer the iPhone to rice and follow step 1.

Step 3

If none of the above steps work after leaving the iPhone in rice for over 24 hours there are some follow up solutions and fixes you can try to also eliminate any excess moisture or water from the iPhone. By using a hairdryer on the low heat setting, hover it above the speaker area and also the headphone jack port.


Keep the hairdryer a fair distance from the iPhone to keep it from overheating. You can repeat this step several times to ensure that any moisture is evaporated by the hairdryer. Be sure that your iPhone is turned off when doing this step.

Step 4

Another way to remove any water is by inserting the end cotton wool buds into the docking/ charging area and also the headphone jack area. Before inserting the cotton wool buds, you can twist the cotton slightly on the ends so it fits better into the cavities of the iPhone.

Use a bit of force when cleaning the charging area, this will also remove or dislodge any dirt or grime that may have accumulated.


Step 5

As an alternative to using rice you can use Silica gel packs which you'll most probably find in your latest pair of trainers. Try find as many as possible then put them into a container with the iPhone turned off and wait at least 24 hours before turning the iPhone back on.


Step 6

If worse comes to worse and you can't find rice, paper towels, gel packs or cotton buds, a last resort is to put your iPhone in the sun. While this is not an ideal situation, it is better than nothing. The only thing is that you will hope it will be sunny.

Step 7

Similar to the above hairdryer step, another method is to use a heat gun or fan. Just note that a heat gun is A LOT more powerful than a hairdryer, so be extra careful if you do this step and try and your own risk!

Step 8

If worse comes to worse it may be best to speak to your mobile phone provider for support. Depending on if you opted for insurance for your device, you may be able to claim a new iPhone if its beyond repair.

Some providers will replace your device or will have an excess deepening on what insurance you chose. Also if you don't mind waiting you can give Apple support a call if your iPhone is still under warranty.

mobile support warranty insurance

If any of these steps have worked for you please share your experience or thoughts below on how you went around it. Also it is not recommend putting your iPhone in the freezer as its likely to destroy it.

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How To Fix Speaker On Iphone 8 Plus Water Damage


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